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Religion And Liberation

Religion provides millions of people around the world meaning and direction to their personal and social lives. It also gives them a sacred sense, something that cannot be violated for personal gains. However, when values like justice, equality, and human freedom are taken out of the religion, it is reduced to a bundle of lifeless rituals and lends itself to exploitation. In fact, religion has often been used for legitimate exploitation. This is the reason why Karl Marx, the famous philosopher said, "Religion is an opium for the masses."

History reveals that Emperors and Churches in European countries; Kings and Purohits' in India had exploited the poor for their own interest. In modern times the partition of India, the Arab-Israel war, and the Iran-Iraq war can be cited as an example of the negative and cruel role played by religion.

But the original spiritual and mental experiences at the core of any religion are liberating in nature. The essence of all religions is one and the same. It can be summarised in one line Selfless love and service to humanity is real religion. Religion transcends all narrow barriers and exalts the human spirit. It inspires the human soul to struggle against all that causes physical, mental, or economic bondage

It is really a great misfortune of the human race that even in the modern scientific age people are killing each other on grounds of different religions. This type of religious fundamentalism must end. When all the people of the world will be able to realize the real meaning of religion, that is selfless love and service to others and the needy, then only true freedom and happiness will descend on this earth.

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